winter party
We love a good party….so we don’t let the holidays pass without a celebration at our annual winter fest! Members enjoy activities in our classrooms, snacks and a live concert by our songs for seeds band.
We love a good party….so we don’t let the holidays pass without a celebration at our annual winter fest! Members enjoy activities in our classrooms, snacks and a live concert by our songs for seeds band.
Join us as we welcome the sun at our annual summer party. Members enjoy activities in our art and science rooms, snacks and (most popular of all) live performances by our songs for seeds band.
We throw birthday parties all year long so why not throw one for ourselves? We go out big for apple seeds’ birthday every year. Complete with a giant birthday cake, we look forward to celebrating with a fun, activity-filled birthday event.
Dress up and join the fun at apple seeds’ highly popular annual Halloween bash. Members can explore activities like glow in the dark, slime and other spooky science experiments. There are giveaways, snacks and more!
apple seeds hosts semester-end events as a way to celebrate and display the children’s creativity.
For my Chelsea art opening we host an art gallery, displaying the kids’ works of art in a gallery format and highlighting the creative themes each week.
For twinkle twinkle little toes, we host the most adorable ballet recital ever.
For us, it’s our favorite week of the year, to see both the imagination of the children as well as the giant smiles on the parents' faces.